Cheering Section!

Well, it’s back to school time.  I find myself, for the first time, standing in a sea of parents, buggy to buggy, slightly pushing and nudging,  all reading a slip of paper with a common theme – the school supply list for the upcoming  year. This is a long list and I wonder that if I’m buying all…

Fill Your Space

Have you ever tried to color a large space with a marker?  What happens?  Right…it may start off ok but the more you color, the wetter the paper gets and that marker starts running a little bit dry.  Now, if you’d started with a crayon, chances are, you would have ended up with the perfect picture. Why?…

Perfect Rows

When you first open a brand new box of 64 count crayons, the first thing you notice is how each crayon is placed.  All the variations of each color are strategically positioned next to a similar color – its intentional.  Why?  So when my daughter wants a red crayon, she doesn’t have to sift through…

Open Your Box

So, if you open your standard box of crayons today, what do you see?  I can tell you what you rarely see – the basic eight primary colors of yesterday.  Did you know that there are 120 beautifully unique crayon colors?  I know, right! That’s 1-2-0 and they range in colors from your standard red, yellow…

Who Stole My Crayons?

If you had to name one event that could ruin your entire day, what would it be?  I’ll throw one out for free – having a bad customer service experience.  Whether its your coveted morning latte being made with  bitter coffee (yuck!)or having to wait in the doctor’s office an hour past your appointment time,  a poor customer service…