Developing Strong Ties: Blue and Red Make Purple…

It’s fascinating to me to watch people network. The smiles and firm handshakes. The warm introductions and business card exchanges. All a necessary part of growing your business and getting your name out there. But I’ve also witnessed the other side of that. The whispers and eye rolls. The brush offs and avoidance. All unnecessary parts of growing your business and getting your…

What Business Are You In?

What Business Are You In?

If you ask many small business owners what business they’re in, they will tell you simply what they do. ‘I build websites’ or ‘I distribute promotional goods.’  While these statements are true, you only have a few seconds to make an impression and those statements, in no way, give prospects any reason to pursue the conversation further. I find these…

What Will They See?

Some of my most treasured moments are the times when I watch my daughter pretend play. Of course she has dolls and talking games, but it’s those times that she picks the simplest things and turn them into something magical.  As I sat at my computer to work, she found a bag of orphaned crayons and spread them onto the…

Break the Mold

Edwin Binney, along with his cousin, C. Harold Smith,  formed Binney & Smith in 1885. The company created many things, like a new type of black coloring used to make black car tires and later school supplies.  But at the gentle nudge of Edwin’s wife, a school teacher, Binney & Smith did the unthinkable.  In 1903, they created…

Cheering Section!

Well, it’s back to school time.  I find myself, for the first time, standing in a sea of parents, buggy to buggy, slightly pushing and nudging,  all reading a slip of paper with a common theme – the school supply list for the upcoming  year. This is a long list and I wonder that if I’m buying all…

Who Stole My Crayons?

If you had to name one event that could ruin your entire day, what would it be?  I’ll throw one out for free – having a bad customer service experience.  Whether its your coveted morning latte being made with  bitter coffee (yuck!)or having to wait in the doctor’s office an hour past your appointment time,  a poor customer service…