using social good to hire top talent

It’s Not All About Money: How Social Good Can Help You Hire Top Talent

The tables have turned a little bit. During the hiring process, job candidates are usually the ones on the hot seat being drilled about everything from work experience to social media use. But companies today are starting to feel the burn themselves as more and more qualified job candidates shun conformity in favor of finding…

cause marketing for business

[Guest Post] Courting The Right Cause: How To Establish A Mutually-Beneficial Partnership

  Establishing a relationship with a charitable organization often leads to multiple benefits for businesses. From boosting employee morale to added marketing exposure through cross-promotions, a mutually beneficial relationship between a company and a non-profit can lead to more than the rewarding feeling of helping others in need. Because cause marketing is the core of…

How a purpose driven business can do social good

Why You Don’t Have To Be A Nonprofit To Do Social Good

If you were to take a peek into the boardroom of a well-run nonprofit organization, you’d probably mistake it for that of a Fortune 500 for-profit company. Guided by purposeful leadership and careful management of threadbare resources, that nonprofit gets it done by crafting strategies that are true to the mission, thus helping them earn…

Mission Driven Marketing for small business
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What The Big Payback Teaches Us About Mission Driven Marketing

This past Tuesday, 770 area nonprofits in Middle Tennessee received a big hug from the city of Nashville and surrounding areas. The Big Payback, an initiative of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, hosted a 24-hour marathon for the sole purpose of raising much needed funds to support the good work done by various programs…

the definition of earned paid owned media

How To Effectively Use Owned, Paid, & Earned Media In Your Content Strategy

When creating a campaign to market your business or a particular aspect of your business, your content is at the mercy of your strategy. Building an effective content strategy that leverages the benefits of owned, paid, and earned media helps you tap into resources you already own while getting a boost from advertising and positive…

employee engagement customer experience

Is Employee Engagement the Secret To Better Customer Experience?

We’re all in the people business. Regardless of what you sell, there’s a person behind ever dollar made. And it’s not just your customer. Employee engagement has a direct impact on customer experience. Not knowing what motivates your employees will make it nearly impossible to deliver on your brand promise of serving your customers. What is…

benefits of word of mouth and customer experience
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[GUEST POST] How To Put Your Money Where Their Mouth Is To Influence WOM

An interesting phenomenon has occurred in the digital age – consumers are now listening to the opinions of strangers to influence their purchasing decisions.  With sites like Yelp, Angie’s List, and Goodsnitch, consumers are now able to rate their experience and provide detail on what they liked and did not like with this information being…

UnLock Customer Experiences Brands Will Evny
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3 Easy Ways To Unlock Customer Experiences Brands Will Envy

The customer may not always be right, but the customer is certainly at the center of a brand that is top of mind. And the way these brands pull that off is by delivering exceptional customer experiences that go beyond the 800 number and help enrich the lives of their customers. Sounds like a tall…

What Makes Your Customer Experience Worth Talking About

What Makes Your Customer Experience Worth Talking About?

We’ve reached a tipping point. Brands are no longer competing solely on the quality of their products and services. Consumer sentiment is favoring brands who not only deliver the “goods”, but the service to match. When combined, these brands offer a contagious customer experience that these newly minted brand advocates – customers – can’t wait…

Best advice you get about brand narrative

The Best Practical Advice You’ll Get About Crafting A Better Brand Narrative

Creating a “compelling brand narrative” sure sounds good, but isn’t quite as easy to do as it sounds. It’s not that you don’t have a story. Every brand has one. And that story should show up in every aspect of your business, from your logo design to product packaging. Website copy to social media content….