Pathway WBC Event: Hands On. Brands On.

Ready to take some of the great ideas from Brand Camp and put them into action? Or maybe your brand just needs a little refresher.

This 2-hour hands-on workshop will pair you with a skilled graphic design student and a tenured designer to help you get your hands on your brand. Bring your laptop and your questions. We’ll work with you to fix those pesky image problems, or help tweak your logo. Keep in mind, we only have two hours, so we won’t have time to build your brand from the ground up. But we’ve got the tools to help you with some design needs.

Kelly Koeppel from k2forma, Jackie Hayes from Crayons and Marketers, and Ashley Northington from DENOR will help you figure out what you need, while a team of design students furiously taps away on their computers – bringing it all to life!

Learn more about Pathway Women’s Business Center events. 

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