Authenticity Blog Post Crayons and Marketers

Why Authenticity Will Prove to Be Your Best Marketing Strategy This Year

The ball has dropped, the corks have popped, and a new year is upon us.  Just as celebratory confetti has cleared the streets of Times Square, 2014 has graciously bowed out, leaving 2015 to take center stage. And for small business owners like you and me, you probably have a list of things you’re going…

small business holiday greetings
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It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Holiday Greetings from Your Small Business

Ready or not, 2014 is packing its bags, making room for the hustle and bustle of a new year.  With 2015 just three weeks away (seriously?), you’re probably scrambling to do what’s expected of you this season – send out holiday wishes. And chances are, you’re going to do what you’ve seen done before. Like…

Small Business Saturday

What You Need To Know About Small Business Saturday

  While many holiday bargain hunters are already planning which big box retailers they’ll pitch their tents in front of this year, many small business owners are busy firing up social media and printing out coupons to commemorate the five year anniversary of Small Business Saturday, officially launched by American Express in 2009. But, the…

3 Easy Ways To Keep Customers Engaged In Your Business
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3 Easy Ways To Keep Customers Engaged In Your Business

  Customer engagement is perhaps the biggest challenge many small businesses face. Beyond the initial sale, many customers seem to disappear into a mysterious abyss and are never heard from again. And in the spirit of self-preservation, many of us immediately blame the customer.  “We didn’t do anything,” we yell as we shake our fists…

website builder

Need a Website? You’ve Got Two Options – Do It Yourself or Hire a Pro

  Building a website is one of the most exciting parts of starting a business.  You feel official, somehow.  Your hard work, dreams, and caffeine induced brainstorming sessions all culminate into this tiny piece of the digital universe. But for many of us, the crushing reality is, building a website can be expensive.  It can…

Take Control of Your Online Reputation…Before They Do!
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Take Control of Your Online Reputation…Before They Do!

Warren Buffet once said that it takes twenty years to build a reputation and about five minutes to ruin it. And never has that been more true than now. In recent years, the popularity of social media and online review sites has skyrocketed. Consumers are looking to one another online to determine the quality and…

80 20 rule of content marketing

Using the 80/20 Rule To Create Better Content and Attract The Right Audience

Think back to your last bad sales experience. You know, the one with that ultra aggressive sales guy (or gal) that went on and on for twenty minutes about how great their product or service was… blah, blah, blah. You never got a word in. And when it was finally over, you whispered a silent prayer to the heavens…

Is Content Marketing Just Another Buzzword Or Will It Help My Business or Non-Profit Grow?

Is Content Marketing Just Another Buzzword Or Will It Help My Business or Non-Profit Grow?

Several studies suggest that well over 40% of marketing budgets next year will be spent on online (digital) efforts.  And at the core of those campaigns will be an emphasis on content marketing. Content marketing. Sure, to marketers like me, that term is as recognized and revered as search is with Google. But for some businesses…

Making A Case for Case Studies: How Customer Stories Can Be Great Content For Your Small Business Website

Making A Case for Case Studies: How Customer Stories Can Be Great Content For Your Small Business Website

When you’re ready to make a big purchase, do you…? A) go on a gut feeling B) see what people are saying about it online C) trust the salesperson The Answer Chances are, most of you picked “B.”  Studies have shown that 90% of consumers say online reviews impact their buying decisions.  And this doesn’t…

3 Secrets To Getting Your Customers To Sell For You (Hint: Think Service)

3 Secrets To Getting Your Customers To Sell For You (Hint: Think Service)

Let’s face it.  We need repeat sales to make this thing called business work. Even our best efforts fall short if we fail to get customers to buy the right products, at the right price, at the right time, not just once, but over and over again. But many of us settle for becoming a one hit…

lead nurturing

10 Ways To Use Timely Follow Up To Position Your Small Business To Win

Customers have high expectations. Gone are the days of transactional sales with faceless individuals who breeze in and out of your stores and on and off your websites. Today’s new normal is all about relationship. And one of the best ways to establish that relationship is through routine follow-up. What is follow-up? Follow-up is not…