Hispanic Marketing Campaigns and Translation Partners: A Roadmap for First-Time Ad Agencies
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Hispanic Marketing Campaigns and Translation Partners: A Roadmap for First-Time Ad Agencies

The success of your Hispanic marketing campaign hinges on your relationship with a qualified translation partner. This partner must understand the cultural nuances, rules, and mores present within Hispanic demographics and how these factors impact purchase behavior and brand affinity. Translating content from English to Spanish or any other language isn’t just about getting the…

Guide_to_Year_End_Fund_aising Powered_Millennial_Donors
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Guide to Year-End Fundraising Powered By Millennial Donors

For many nonprofits, the year-end giving season is the most wonderful time of the year. Year-end fundraising accounts for nearly 40% of total revenue for nonprofits worldwide. But with in-person events like auctions, galas, and luncheons canceled to curb the spread of COVID-19, many organizations have been forced to find alternative ways to raise funds…

ineffective marketing strategy
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Ask The Hard Questions, Discover The Real Problem With Your Marketing

“I spend about $200 a week on Facebook advertising,” my new client admits sheepishly. And how much business do you think she’s ever gotten from it? None. This is often the case for many small businesses who know they need to market their business, but have no clear vision on how to do so effectivity…

90 day marketing plan

90 Day Marketing Plans, Easier to Manage And Just As Effective

George Washington Carver once said, “Where there is no vision, there is no hope.” As business owners, all of us have a vision; an idea of what we want to accomplish in and through our businesses. But as inspiring as having a vision is, where it falters is in failed execution. In the book of Habakkuk, the…

Is Your Marketing Paying Off? 3 Myths That Are Holding You Back

Is Your Marketing Paying Off? 3 Myths That Are Holding You Back

The reality is, marketing only works when you keep at it. There’s no magic potion to drink. No secret algorithm to crack. And not enough keywords on the planet to stuff behind your name to turn you into an overnight sensation. The key to effective marketing is consistency. Not just doing it when you feel…

Break the Mold

Edwin Binney, along with his cousin, C. Harold Smith,  formed Binney & Smith in 1885. The company created many things, like a new type of black coloring used to make black car tires and later school supplies.  But at the gentle nudge of Edwin’s wife, a school teacher, Binney & Smith did the unthinkable.  In 1903, they created…