A diverse group of five individuals are gathered outdoors, engrossed in a lively discussion. They are holding and reviewing papers, with one woman in an orange jacket taking notes using a pen. The group appears cheerful and engaged, sharing a moment of collaboration and camaraderie amidst a city backdrop with trees in bloom.
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How to Grow and Sustain a Diverse Donor Base: A Quick Guide for Non-ProfitsĀ 

Nonprofit organizations are tirelessly working to expand their reach and build support from new audiences. This need is becoming increasingly urgent as U.S. demographics change. By 2050, the population will reach a multicultural majority, with people of color comprising more than 50%. As a result, focusing on inclusive fundraising strategies to reach new donor communities…

Catching Unconscious Bias in Marketing
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Catching Unconscious Bias in Marketing

At people3, Inc., unconscious bias training is one of our most requested workshops. While many are just becoming aware of these two words, unconscious bias has been trending within the diversity and inclusion space for several years now. When we deliver these diversity and inclusion training courses, we often reveal the final analysis before delivering…

Research and Segmentation Can Improve Your Campaign Strategy
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Research and Segmentation Can Improve Your Campaign Strategy

National Hispanic Heritage Month is in full swing. This month-long celebration highlights the contributions and accomplishments of U.S. Hispanics and, for marketers, presents an opportunity to connect with this thriving demographic. Brands have become increasingly aware that Hispanics are not a monolith. Factors such as country of origin, language, and acculturation weave a brilliant tapestry….